Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Pension Statements
Americana, Brief Inspirational Stories from American History
Liberty! The American Revolution! (The PBS Series)
Southern Campaign of Revolutionary War by John Robertson Has links to a lot of info on the Revolutionary War!
NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL)
Search Microfilm Publications Type the words, "Revolutionary War" into the search box and click submit. You should get back 29 results for microflim that covers pensions, payroll, rosters, units, etc.
Revolutionary War files, and many other files for NC by William Navey
Touring NC's Revolutionary War Sites
NC troops that took the Oath of Allegiance at Valley Forge
The Liberty Bell & Col. Thomas Polk's Overnight Bivouac in Quakertown September 18, 1777
Battle at Guilford CourthouseMarch 15, 1781
Guilford Courthouse National Military Park
King's Mountain National Military Park Battle of King's Mountain took place in South Carolina
Richard Caswell
William Hooper of North Carolina
Joseph Hewes
Alexander Martin
The little-known Southern version of Paul Revere, "Jack Jouett of Virginia"
Peter Francisco the giant at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, NC
North Carolina Stamp Act
Early Media Regulators & Revolution
Hillsborough Tax Riots 1770
Johnston Riot Act
Battle of Alamance Some think that this 1771 battle might have been one of the first of the Revolution in NC, although just as many consider it not part of the Revolution. The jury is still out on this event.
1787 home of NC Colonel Joseph Mcdowell McDowell county NC is named for him
Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail taken by men to Kings Mountain
Back to NC in the Revolutionary War Home Page
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Diane Siniard