Colonel Elias Alexander II

This information is contributed by Jim Gillgam

Elias Alexander II was a Burke County Militia Colonel from Rutherford, NC. 
He fought in the battles of Guilford Courthouse, Kings Mountain, Ramsour's 
Mill, Cowpens, and the seige of Ninety Six.
He died too early to leave a pension, so what I have is from the Alexander 
family records. The records say that he was wounded 17 times during the war. 
He also tried to stop the indiscriminate hanging of loyalists captured at Kings 
Mountain, but was unsuccessful. 

Elias Alexander II Grave
This grave is located on an unpaved road about 3/4 mile off the west 
side of the Chesnee-Sandy Mush highway in Rutherford County. The grave 
is enclosed in a fence and in the backyard of a private home. It's location is indicated
on most maps of the area. The Alexander homesite was once located near this site
but is no longer exists.

Colonel Elias Alexander II born in Maryland 1746. Died in Rutherford 
County 1818. Soldier in Revolutionary War.
The location of his wife Nancy Agness McCall Alexander's grave is 

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