Jesse Carroll

This information is contributed by Jackie Purdy

JESSE CARROLL, Private, N.C. Militia.

Jesse Carroll, resided in Duplin County, North Carolina during the Revolution and served in the North Carolina Militia during the war, and was paid for his services. “Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia, by Huxford”

Jesse Carroll, was a soldier in the North Carolina Militia, and also furnished material aid, for which he was paid. In the N.C. State Archives, titled “Revolutionary Arm Accounts” Vol. V, page 433, is payment of 24 pounds, 12 shillings and 4 pence for supplies furnished the militia; and Vol. XI, page 85, shows payment of 6 pounds, 12 shillings, 4 pence. In Revolutionary Pay Vouchers” Vol. V, page 45, No 274, Folio 3, is payment to Jesse Carroll, 6 pounds, 12 shillings, 4 pence. In “Revolutionary Pay Vouchers” Vol. V. page 40, No 83, Folio 3 is payment of 120 pounds, 13 shillings, 4 pence.

Jesse Carroll was married to Mary Rachel Gavin.

I am a member of the DAR using Jesse Carroll as my Patriot… I have copies of his pay vouchers and record

Jesse Carroll would have been my 4th Great Grandfather

Jesse Carroll would have been Sarah Studstill’ 4th Great Grandfather.

Note: Sarah Studstill and I (Jackie Purdy) both descend from Jesse Carroll and Mary Rachel Gavin down through Jesse’s son John Carroll, who’s first wife was Elizabeth Hollingsworth daughter of James Hollingsworth (RS) and Elizabeth Betsey Merritt. John Carroll them married her sister Ann “Nancy” Hollingsworth and I descend from this marriage.

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