This information is contributed by Cindy Mundine Lang Kittrell Mundin(e) Esq., was born c1720-1725, he had a sister named Lydia (born c1725) who married Benjamin Doty (Doughty), a descendant from the Mayflower, in Piscataway, New Jersey in 1747/8. I find record of a possible brother by the name of Samuel Mundin. The name Kittrell is a last name & also a town in Vance County North Carolina. How did the Kittrell & Mundin meet? The first Kittrell (last name) found in America was Jonathan Kittrell in 1704 Nansemond County Virginia. Christopher Dudley (Frances Mundin’s uncle) & John Mundah (Mundin) was also in Nansemond. Both John Mundah & Jonathan Kittrell had land on Bennitt’s creek. This area became North Carolina by the 1720’s. It is possible that Kittrell Mundin(e) mother was a daughter or sister of Jonathan Kittrell. Was her name Alice?? The Mundine name is pronounced Mon - dine (long i & silent e). The original spelling Mondain is French, the present day spelling Mundine is English influenced. Kittrell Mundin(e) lived in Piscataway New Jersey, before moving to North Carolina. He was well educated & his handwriting (signature) appears on several legal documents. In Kittrell Mundine’s life time he was a bondsmen, shoemaker, tanner, planter, merchant, minister, Justice of the Peace & a Patriot during the Revolutionary War. Registered with DAR national number 824297. In 1754, Kittrell Mundine, sister Lydia & her husband Benjamin Doty (descendant of the Mayflower) are found in North Carolina. Kittrell fought in the French & Indian War. In 1754, October 10th in New Bern, Craven County, Kittrell was found on a list of soldiers commanded by Solomon Rew, & April 15th 1758, he is named on a List of the Craven County “Troop of Horse“, Commanded by Captain Peter Rutgers. Benjamin Doty’s brother Benejah Doty was the Coronet. Kittrell Mundine was a member of the Southwest Baptist Church (named after the creek), located in Dobbs County, NC about 60 miles west of New Bern in 1762. In 1786 Kittrell was the Commissioner for the Society of the Baptist Church (Jones County) & in 1759 (Onslow County) & 1790 (Jones County), he was an assistant Pastor at New River Church Kehukee Association. During the Revolutionary War Kittrell Mundine was much too old to go on the battle field. He became Craven Counties Justice of the Peace in 1776; & any one that did not take the oath of the state would be sent to Kittrell Mundine. Kittrell had 3 sons who fought in the Revolutionary War. John, Joseph & Francis. Joseph lost his life December 20th 1777, while at Valley Forge. Kittrell was married 3 times & father to 8 children (maybe more), 6 boys, John, Joseph, Francis, James, Benjamin & Charles & 2 daughters Eleanor (married a Pittman) & Sarah (married a Stephens). Kittrell Mundine’s second wife was Sarah Chapman, from Carteret County & mother of 2 of his children- son Charles (whom I descend) & daughter Sarah. Kittrell lived beyond his 70th year, he had lived in Craven, Dobbs, Onslow, Anson, Carteret & Jones Counties in North Carolina. Kittrell Mundine & Benjamin Doty owned a plantation & grist mill on Southwest Creek in 1765, which is today called Kelly’s Mill Pond, according to Elizabeth Brooks Bowden Collection. The 1st year of the federal census in 1790, Kittrell Mundine & his sons John, James, Francis, & Benjamin (in separate households) are in Jones County NC. Kittrell wrote a will in August 22, 1791 (died c1793 no probate), Jones County NC, naming his younger children Charles, Sarah, James, Francis & Benjamin & (3rd) wife Mary Magdalene. Mary & Kittrell had no children together. She was the widow of James Barry, & daughter of Samuel Noble. Children of Kittrell Mundine & unknown 1 John Mundine born c1746 in New Jersey. During the Revolutionary War, John Mundine was an ensign for Carteret County Regiment commanded by Lt. Col. Malachi Bell, dated 11, June 1779. John is also found on a list, Return of commissioned officers of Carteret regiment of Militia, dated 1777. John married after November 1770 & before August 1775 to Sarah Brice Williams, daughter of Francis Brice, widow of James Williams, Sr. (died Nov. 1770). John is found living in 1779 Carteret County tax list, with 180 acres in Carteret , 540 acres in Onslow & Lots in Beaufort. The census of 1786 shows John Mundine in District 1, Jones County with 1 male over 21 under 60 years of age, 1 male over 21 or under 60 years old, 1 female. In 1790 he is on the US census in Jones County (1 white male-1 white female), with just him & wife Sarah at home. John died Jones County May term 1792. He names wife Sarah, sister Elinor, father Cattrall (Kittrell). There’s no known natural children of John Mundine. His step children were Clarissa Williams Shine wife of (Captain) Daniel (or John Shine?), James Williams, Jr., Mary Williams Lavender wife of Benjamin, Brice Williams (Major -US Congressman), Sarah Williams Hatch wife of Benjamin, 2nd husband Bazel Smith (son John Williams Smith), Christian Williams Nixon wife of Robert Nixon, Cassandra Williams Campbell. In August 8, 1796, 4 years after John had passed away, the land known as Mundine’s Mill, 900 acres & 2 tub mills on White Oak River, was offered as for sale by Daniel Shine, Robert Nixon & Bazel Smith. These men were the stepsons in law of John Mundine. 2 Joseph Mundine born c 1749 in New Jersey. Wife unknown. Joseph is found in January 22, 1770 St Georges Parish Georgia, with his father Kittrell, witnessing the will of Stephen Williams. In October 1770 they are still in St Georges Parish when Kittrell Mundine witnessed a land deed for John & Mary Maner & James Pierce. August 5th 1771 Joseph & Kittrell Mundine are back in Dobbs County North Carolina when Joseph bought land from Thomas Box & sold the land to Jerusha Tisdale of Anson County, on 26th December 1771. Joseph was enlisted in the 10th Regiment & died in the Revolutionary War on December 20th 1777 at Valley Forge. The heirs of Joseph Mundine received a military land warrant number 2427 in 1793, 640 acres on the east side of Caney Fork in Sumner County, Tennessee. Joshua Davis was assigned the land. Joseph’s brother Charles Mundine ends up in the same area in Sumner County by 1800. There’s a William Mundine on the records, could this be a son of Joseph’s? 3 Francis Mundine was born c1754, probably New Bern, Craven County NC. Francis served in the Revolutionary War as a Corporal in 2nd N.C. Reg’t, Captain Augustin Spain’s Company, under command of Col. Samuel Jarvis. (Clark state records page 1057-8 Vol. XVll) He married Elizabeth Watson daughter of Jeremiah Watson, a near by neighbor. They had 4 children together. Pruddy (Prudence) who married a Simmons, Hardy, Hepsey who married William W Bray & another son (Francis or William). Francis, Sr., is on the 1790 Jones County census with 1 white male over 16 (himself), 1 white male under 16, 3 white females. In 1790, they had 1 son & 2 daughters. Francis died some time before 1798 & wife Elizabeth Mundine & Benjamin R Smith were the executors. The 1800 Jones County Federal census shows Elizabeth Mundine is the head of household. Her family includes 1 female 26-46 (herself), 1 male under 10, 1 male 10-16, 1 female 10-16, 1 female under 10. Francis & Elizabeth had 2 boys & 2 girls. In 1835 Another Francis Mundine made his will and leaves possessions to his mother Ann Mundine, and at her death to my brother & sister William Mundine & Hessy Mundine. A Jones County land deed in 1838, says William Mundine sold to B (Bartholomew) Meadows for $125.00 a tract on north side of Whiteoak River known as land of late Hardy Mundine, then to William Mundine, his son. Looks like Hardy Mundine, son of Francis & Elizabeth Watson Mundine, (grandson of Kittrell Mundine) married Ann (?), and they had sons William & Francis, also a daughter named Hepsey/Hessy named after his sister. There’s a cemetery adjoining this property & my guess is that the Mundine cemetery is here. I have not found record that head stone are still at this location. 4 Elenor Mundine was born c 1757, in New Bern, Craven County, NC. Not much is known about Elenor, the name (Elenor) should be a clue to who her mother was? In 1775 Elenor’s brother John Mundine wrote his will (proved in court, 1792) & specifies 10 pounds to be paid to his sister Elenor Pittman. In 1795, John’s widow, Sarah made her will (proved in May court 1799), and specified 10 pounds to Elenor Pittman, late Elenor Mundine which was left to her by her brother John Mundine, and also 10 pounds to Elenor’s daughter Elenor Pittman when she reaches age 16. 5 James Mundine was born c 1759, in Dobbs County NC. James appears in the 1780 tax list as head of a household in Jones County NC consisting of 1 male 21-60; 1 male under 21 or over 60 & 1 female. James wife name is unknown, it appears he had a son in 1780. In 1790, James is shown as 1 white male & 1 white female, so if he had a son he is grown & out of the home. The Mundine’s in 1790 Jones County census are all accounted for & are sons of Kittrell Mundine. James son can not be found. Did he die before 1790, or did he move from the area? In 1813 James Mundine is a witness to John Jarman land sell in Jones County NC. There has been no will, or date of death, found for James Mundine in Jones County North Carolina. The last record I can find of James Mundine is in1820 witnessing another Jarman land deed for Nancy and Hall Jarman to Emanuel Jarman for $700.00. Was his wife a Jarman? 6 Benjamin Mundine was born c 1762-67, in Dobbs County NC. Benjamin is first found on the 1790 census for Jones County. Benjamin is head of the household with only himself. Benjamin lived in Onslow County. In 1799 Stephen Yeates, died Jones County refers to land he bought of Benjamin Mundine in Onslow County to son Bennette. Children of Kittrell Mundine & Sarah Chapman 7 Charles Mundine born c1772, in Carteret County NC on the north side of Whiteoak River. This was the Chapman family farm since 1750’s. Sarah Chapman Mundine inherited this property from her brother John Chapman in 1770. In 1778-9 this property was annexed into Jones County. Charles Mundine & his wife Ann Howard (daughter of Titus Howard) inherited this property & is mentioned in Kittrell’s will. Land records show this was signed over to Charles for Love & affection in December 10,1792, before his father Kittrell Mundine died. In December 15th 1796 Charles Mundine sold this property to Amos Johnston. James Mundine, Jacob Johnston & L Johnston witnessed the deed. Charles & Ann moved out west to Tennessee & later to Shelby County Alabama, where Charles & Ann his wife died. They had children Charles Jr. (married Anna Huntsman), Rhoda, Sarah, Titus, Ann, Eliza, John Chapman (married Eliza Maria Youree), & Jesse Howard W. Mundine. 8 Sarah Mundine was born c 1773/4 Carteret County, on the north side of Whiteoak River. She married Solomon Stephens in Jones County NC & died Wilkes County Georgia in about 1805. Solomon & Sarah had a daughter named Rachel Stephens who married Thomas Moore April 17, 1813 in Wilkes County Georgia. Solomon Stephen married 2nd Bethany Lambert, before 1813 & they had a son named Isaac. Solomon died in 1832 Autauga County Alabama. |