Thomas Bullard

Contributed by: Sam West


BORN: 13 DEC 1759 in the State of Virginia
ENL: 1st Duplin Co NC & 2nd Bladen Co NC.
SA: 07 MAY 1833 in Bladen Co NC, age 73 yrs.
DIED: Not given.
RESIDED: Duplin Co NC, now Sampson Co NC; moved during the Revolution to
Bladen Co NC.   States I have lived in Bladen, Sampson & Cumberland
Counties N. C. and I now live in Bladen Co NC.
FAMILY: Not given.

State of North Carolina Court of Pleas & Quarter
Bladen County SeSsions May Term

On this the 7th day of May A. D. 1833 personally appeared in open court
before William H. Beatty Robert Lyon and James McDuffie, the worshipful
Justices now holding the Court aforesaid Thomas Bullard a resident of Bladen
County in the State of North Carolina aged seventy three years the 13th of
December 1832 who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath
make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of
CongreSs paSsed June 7th 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States under the following named
officers & served as herein stated.

1.  In a company of Duplin militia under the command of Captain Hardy
Holmes, John Holmes Lieutenant, Joseph Carty Sargeant, in a regiment
commanded by Col. Alston, Abraham Moultin Major, his other officers he
forgets, except one Sanderlin who was a Sargeant also in his company, he
thinks the year 1778 and in latter part of the fall or first of the winter
of that year and served six weeks as a private; that he resided in Duplin,
now Sampson County N. A. when he entered this service; that he was a
substitute for one Jeremiah Simmons; that he was in no battle; that he
joined his company at Elizabeth Town, Bladen County but was enrolled at
Duplin Old Court House and obtained leave from his captain to meet his
company at Elizabeth Town, that from thence he marched into South Carolina
along the road leading to Purysburg to that place, where he joined Gen.
Lincoln’s army, that a day or two before he arrived at Purysbur he exchanged
places with a private named Joshua Tatom, who was in service in a company of
nine month’s men that the company to which he first belonged were five month’s 
men; that he has no documentary evidence and knows of no person by whom
he can prove these six weeks’ service.

2ndly.  He exchanged places as aforesaid with Joshua Taton and served seven
months and a half in a company of nine month’s men under Capt. Daniel
Williams when he first entered this service and Captain Williams being
promoted  to the grade of Major, a Capt Sharpe took the place of Capt.
Williams, Lieutenant Pearl, in a regiment commanded by Col. Thackston, Major
Armstrong, Thomas Gregory and Stephen Bowen were Sargeants in his company,
he forgets the other officers; that he was a private soldier; that he thinks
this company were State troops; that he marched from Purgsburg S. C. up
Savanna River to a place called Black Swamp where he encamped awhile, thene
un Savannah River still and croSsed over at Augusta, thence down the
Savannah River to a place called White’s ferry on Savannah River, thence
across Savannah at Whites ferry towards Stono ferry in pursuit of the
British to within three or four miles of Stono ferry, where he encamped
awhile, thence to near Beaufort and encamped and remained awhile till the
nine months for which the company were engaged expired, thence on for CroSs
Creek now Fayetteville and on his march for CroSs Creek he was discharged
over Big Pedee opposite Long Bluff ferry by Col. Thackston on the 15th of
August he thinks in the year 1779; that he was in no battle himself but the
company and regiment to which he belonged fought at the battle at Stono
ferry; that at that time he was sent in a detachment of about three hundred
men to capture some British on board a boat up Stono River that the
detachment fired upon the boat, killed some of the men on board & took the
rest prisoners; that he served with continental regiments or troop[s under
Gen. Lincoln and Sumpter (from the time he joined them at Purysburg till the
nine months were out at near Beaufort; the regular officers he knew were
Gils. Lincoln and Sumpter, Curtis Ivey, Adjutant Parker, Major Dougharty,
Captain Lewis, Col. Dickson and others whose names he cant now call to mind,
that he has no documentary evidence and thinks he can prove this service by
Thomas Gregory of Sampson County, & this services was in the year 1779.

3.  In a company of Duplin militia under the command of Captain Nathan Hall,
Henry Davis Sargeant he forgets his other company officers, in a regiment
commanded by Col. James Kenan, John Treadwell Major, he thinks in January
1781 and served two months and a half, that he was a colunteer; that just
before he entered this service he had removed from Duplin to Bladen County,
that during this service the skirmish at the Big Bridge in New Hanover
County about ten miles above Wilmington occurred, between the Americans
commanded by Col. Brown whose arm was broke in the engagement by Col. Brown
whose are was broke in the engagement and the enemy; that his company
embodied in Duplin County and marched to the Big Bridge in New Hanover
County where he joined a regiment under Col. James Kenan, that he remained

there on the West side of the North East River at the Big Bridge till he wasordered 
to be discharged by Col. Brown and received a discharge in writing
by whom it was signed he cant recollect, that he has no documentary evidence
or discharge now, having bee lost of destroyed by fire as his house was once
burned and that he knows of no person by whom he can prove his service in
this tour.

4.  That he served in several short expeditions against the tories amounting
to one month under Captain Ellis of Bladen County, that he has no
documentary evidence & knows of no person by whom he can prove this service.
Answers of Thomas Bullard the aforesaid applicant to the questions
prescribed by the War Department profounded by the Court aforesaid.

To the 1st.   I was born in the State of Virginia the 13th of December 1759.
“  “ 2nd I have a record of my age at home in a slip of paper set down by
memory having lost the Bible in which it was recorded when my house was
  “ “ 3rd When first called into service I was living in Duplin now Sampson

County N. C. when I entered my last tour of service I resided in BladenCounty N. C.  
Since the Revolutionary war I have lived in Bladen, Sampson &
Cumberland Counties N. C. and  I now live in Bladen County N. C.
“ “ 4th In my first service I was a substitute for Jeremiah Simmons.  In my
next I exchanged places voluntarily with Joshua Tatom by consent of our
officer and in my other services I was a volunteer.
“ “ 5. I beg leave to refer to my declaration for an answer to this
To the 6th I recd two discharges in writing one given me & signed by Col.
Thackston and the other granted me by Col. Brown, as his arm was broke I don
’t know who signed it which are lost or destroyed.

To the 7th George Thagot, William Smith, Robert Melvin Esquire, Major John
T. Gilmore, Amos JeSsap Esquire, Isaac JeSsup & others I could name.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except
the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the
agency of any State.
Sworn to & subscribed the day & year above written.

        Thos. Bullard

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