The Liberty Point Resolves

    The Liberty Point Resolves, also known as "The Cumberland Association", was a 
    resolution signed by fifty residents of Cumberland County, North Carolina, early in 
    the American Revolution.
    On June 20, 1775, these Patriots, who had formed themselves into a group known 
    simply as "The Association", met at Lewis Barge's tavern in Cross Creek (now part 
    of Fayetteville) to sign a document protesting the actions of Great Britain following 
    the battles of Lexington and Concord. The signers expressed the hope that Great 
    Britain and the colonies would be reconciled, but vowed that, if necessary, they 
    would "go forth and be ready to sacrifice our lives and fortunes to secure her 
    freedom and safety". The resolves were thus not a declaration of independence—
    public advocation for separation from Great Britain would not become common 
    until 1776.
    The period of the American Revolution was a time of divided loyalties in Cumberland 
    County, and a considerable portion of the population, especially the Highland Scots 
    who had immigrated in 1739, were staunchly loyal to the British Crown. Among them 
    was the famous Scottish heroine Flora MacDonald. The Liberty Point document 
    followed the similar Mecklenburg Resolutions by just a month and preceded the United 
    States Declaration of Independence by a little more than a year.
    The brief document read:
    At a general meeting of the several Committees of the District of Wilmington, held at the 
    Court-House in Wilmington, Tuesday, the 20th June, 1775:
    Resolved, That the following Association stand as the Association of this Committee, and 
    that it be recommended to the inhabitants of this District to sign the same as speedily as 
    The actual commencement of hostilities against the Continent by the British Troops, in the 
    bloody scene on the nineteenth of April last, near Boston; the increase of arbitrary impositions, 
    from a wicked and despotick Ministry; and the dread of instigated insurrections in the 
    Colonies, are causes sufficient to drive an oppressed People to the use of arms: We, 
    therefore, the subscribers of Cumberland County, holding ourselves bound by that most sacred 
    of all obligations, the duty of good citizens towards an injured Country, and thoroughly convinced 
    that under our distressed circumstances we shall be justified before you in resisting force by 
    force; do unite ourselves under every tie of religion and honour, and associate as a band in her 
    defence against every foe; hereby solemnly engaging, that whenever our Continental or Provincial 
    Councils shall decree it necessary, we will go forth and be ready to sacrifice our lives and fortunes 
    to secure her freedom and safety. This obligation to continue in full force until, a reconciliation 
    shall take place between Great Britain and America, upon constitutional principles, an event we 
    most ardently desire. And we will hold all those persons inimical to the liberty of the Colonies 
    who shall refuse to subscribe to this Association; and we will in all things follow the advice of 
    our General Committee, respecting the purposes aforesaid, the preservation of peace and good 
    order, and the safety of individual and private property.
    Robert Rowan, who apparently organized the group, signed first. The names of other signers include 
    those of families who made a deep imprint on the Cape Fear region, from colonial times onward: 
    Barge, Powell, Evans, Elwell, Green, Carver, Council, Gee, Blocker, Hollingsworth.
    The event is commemorated today by a memorial and plaque in downtown Fayetteville, near the 
    corner of Bow and Person Streets.

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