Heitman's Register

    These rosters will contain the names of the North Carolina soldiers that fought in the Revolutionary War.

    Note---The recordsof the North Carolina regiments are very meager, owing to the constant 
    and arduous campaigns in the Carolinas, etc., with frequent loss of all their of all their 
    baggage and records.  Hence the following list is incomplete, and arrangement defective.
    First North Carolina Line
    Col. James Moore, 1st. Sept. 1775 to 1st. Mch. 1976.
    Col. Franis Nash,  10th. Apr. 1776 to 5th. Feb. 1777.
    Col. Thomas Clark, 5th. Feb. 1777 to close of war.
    Lt. Col. Francis Nash, 1st. Sept. 1775 to 10th. Apr. 1776.
    Lt. Col. Thomas Clark, 10th. Apr. 1776 to 5th. Feb. 1777.
    Lt. Col. Wm. Davis, 5th. Feb. 1777 to 1st. June 1778.
    Lt. Col. Robert Mebane, 1st. June 1778 to 8th. June 1779.
    Lt. Col. Hardy Murfree, 1st. Apr. 1778 to July 1782.
    Lt. Col. John B. Ashe, 2nd. Nov. 1778 to __________
    Lt. Col. Wm. L. Davidson, 9th. June to 1st. Feb. 1781.
    Major Wm. Davis, 10th. Apr. 1776 to 5th. Feb. 1777. 
    Major Caleb Granger, 5th Feb. 1777 to 26th. Apr. 1777.
    Major John Walker, 26th. Apr. 1777 to 22nd. Dec. 1777.
    Major James Emmet, 22nd. Dec. 1777 to 1st. June 1778.
    Major John B. Ashe, 1st June1778 to 2nd. Nov. 1778.
    Major John Nelson, 6th. Feb. 1782 to close of war.
    Second North Carolina Line
    Col. Robert Howe, 1st. Sept. 1775 to 1st Mch. 1776
    Col. Alexander Martin, 10th. Apr. 1776 to 22nd. Nov. 1777.
    Col. John Patten, 22nd. Nov. 1777 to 1st. Jan. 1783.
    Lt. Col. Alexander Martin, 1st. Sept. 1775 to 10th. Apr. 1776. 
    Lt. Col. John Patten, 10th. Apr. 1776 to 22nd. Nov. 1777.
    Lt. Col. Selley Harney, 22nd. Nov. 1777 to 6th. Feb. 1782.
    Major John Patten, 1st. Sept. 1775 to 10th. Apr. 1776.
    Major John White, 20th. Apr. 1776 to 1st. Feb. 1777. 
    Major Hardy Murfree, 1st. Feb. 1777 to 1st. Apr. 1778.
    Major Reading Blount, 6th. Feb. 1782 to close of war.
    Third North Carolina Line
    Col. Jethro Summer, 15th. Apr. 1776 to 9th. Jan. 1779.
    Lt. Col. Wm. Ashton, 15th. Apr. 1776 to 4th. Oct. 1777.
    Lt. Col. Lott Brewster, 25th. Oct. 1777 to 15th. Mar. 1778.
    Lt. Col. Henry Dixon, 12th May 1778 to 20th June 1779.
    Lt. Col. Robert Mebane, 7th June 1779 to close of war.
    Major Samuel Lockhart, 15th. Apr. 1776 to 12th. Oct. 1777.
    Major Henry Dixon, 8th. July 1777 to 12th. May 1778.
    Major Pinketham Eaton, 22nd. Nov. 1777 to 24th. May 1781.
    Major James Emmet, 15th. Feb. 1778 to 1st. June 1778.
    Major Thomas Hogg, 1st. June 1778 to ____________
    Major Griffith J. McRae, 11th. Sept. 1781 to close of war.
    Fourth North Carolina Line
    Col. Thomas Polls, 16th. Apr. 1776 to 28th. June 1778
    Lt. Col. James Thackston, 15th Apr. 1776 to 1st. Jan. 1781.
    Major Wm. L. Davidson, 15th. Apr. 1776 to 4th. Oct. 1777.
    Major John Armstrong, 6th. Oct. 1777 to 17th. July 1782.
    Major John Nelson, 3rd. Feb. 1778 to 6th. Feb. 1782.
    Major george Doherty, 13th. Oct. 1781 to __ Feb. 1782.
    Major Thomas Donahoe, 6th. Feb. 1782 to close of war.
    Fifth North Carolina Line
    Col. Edward Bumcombe, 15th. Apr. 1776 to 19th. Oct. 1777.
    Lt. Col. Henry Irwin, 15th. Apr. 1776 to 4th. Oct. 1777.
    Lt. Col. Wm. L. Davidson, 4th. Oct. 1777 to 9th. June 1779.
    Major Levi Dawson, 15th. Apr. 1776 to 19th Oct. 1777.
    Major Thomas Hogg, 12th. Oct 1777 to 1st. June 1778.
    Major Reading Blount, 12th. May 1778 to 6th. Feb. 1782.
    Sixth North Carolina Line
    Col. John A. Lillington, 15th. Apr. 1776 to 6th. May1776.
    Col. Gordon Lamb, 26th. Jan. 1777 to 1st June 1778.
    Lt. Col. Wm. Taylor, 15th. Apr. 1776 to 1st. June 1781.
    Lt. Col. Archibald Lytle, 1st. Feb. 1781 to close of war.
    Major Gideon Lam, 11th. Apr. 1776 to 26th Jan 1777.
    Major John B. Ashe, 26th. Jan. 1777 to 1st. June 1778.
    Major Thomas Donahue, 11th. Oct. 1781 to 6th. Feb. 1782.
    Major George Doherty, 17th. July 1782 to close of war.
    Seventh North Carolina Line
    Col. James Hogun, 26th. Nov. 1776 to 9th. Jan. 1779.
    Lt. Col. Robert Mebane, 26th. Nov. 1776 to 1st. June 1778.
    Major Lott Brewster, 26th. Nov. 1776 to 25th. Oct. 1777.
    Major Wm. Farmer, 24th Oct. 1777 to 1st. June 1778.
    Eighth North Carolina Line
    Col. James Armstrong, 26th. Nov. 1776 to 1st. June 1778.
    Lt. Col. James Ingram, 26th. Nov. 1776 to 8th. July 1777.
    Lt. Col. Samuel Lockhart, 12th. Oct. 1777 to 19th. Oct. 1777.
    Lt. Col. Levi Dawson, 19th. Oct. 1777 to 1st. June 1778.
    Major Selby Harney, 26th. Nov. 1776 to 22nd. Nov. 1777.
    Ninth North Carolina Line
    Co. John P. Williams, 7th. Apr. 1777 to 1st. June 1778.
    Lt. Col. John Luttrell, 27th. Nov. 1776 to 1st. June 1778.
    Major Wm. Polk, 27th. Nov. 1776 to ______________
    Tenth North Carolina Line
    Col. Abraham Shepard, 17th. Apr. 1777 to 1st. June 1778.
    Lt. Col. Adam Perkins, 17th. Apr. 1777 to 1st. June 1778. 
    Major ______, ______________ to ________________
    (it appears that a new Tenth North Carolina was organized in 1779 as a State Regiment)

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